Our staff

We have an amazing team of dedicated professionals with vast experience and knowledge. Our in-class teachers are supported by an extraordinary range of EAL and Enrichment educators as well as integration aides, who support students through their learning at Kew Primary.

In 2024 our classes and teams look like this:

    • Pete deWacht  - Principal  

    • Peggy Basset - Assistant Principal  

    • Alexandra Darlington  - Leading Teacher and 4CA Teacher  

    • Sonia Hanley - Literacy Learning Specialist and 6SD Teacher 

    • Amy Holt (PAA)

    • Ashleigh Owens (PAA)

    • Diamanto Pantazis (PDP)

    • Emily Langford (PEL)

    • Sophie Apperly (PSA)

    • Liv Kurczycki (1LK)

    • Niall O’Brien (1NO)  

    • Stefani Lambrianidis (1SL)

    • Chrystal Sumpton (2NC)

    • Katie Braemar (2KB)

    • Natalie Ryan (2NC)

    • Tash Priestley (2TP)

    • Caitlin Larkin (3CL)

    • Molly Ellis (3MS)

    • Montana Donato (3MD)

    • Shenel Raif (3MS)

    • Alexandra Darlington (4CA)

    • Sarah Woottoon (4AB)

    • Lucy McMillan (4CA)

    • Ed Wooldridge (4EW)

    • Angela Cetin (5AC)

    • Ben O’Loughin (5DB)

    • Caity Bond (5CB)

    • Dale Heterick (5DB) 

    • Daisy Masterman (6SD)

    • Jakamo Sharpe (6JS)

    • Melissa Hayes (6MH)

    • Sonia Hanley (6SD)

    • Carla Temple - Art

    • Prudence Boulter - Performing Arts 

    • Diana Caillier - French 

    • Scott Behm - Physical Education 

    • Diana Matricciani  - Tutor 

    • Patricia Incerti - EAL & Enrichment 

    • Loraine Trist - Integration 

    • Carmel Buxton - Business Manager

    • Kim Del Tito - Office Administrator & First Aid

    • Kevin Vu - Information Technology 

    • Melissa De Melis - Business Manager (Acting)

    • Catherine Merlino - Office Administrator & First Aid